The Daddy DNA
Database Project
This is a recent post on the Immoral Minority blog by a contributor who chooses to remain anonymous. It's brilliant! I hope you will help spread the word. Share it with as many people as possible. DF
To counter the current wave of Republican legislation to control women's body, health and reproduction rights, here's my proposal:
Push for a bill that requires all males over the age of 12 to have their DNA in a database - after all, they are half the genetic material needed to create a baby...and since the men do not want women to have birth control, and everyone is supposed to be 100 percent responsible for their own actions and offspring (no government support or handouts at all, according to Republicans) it only makes sense that every single male should be in a database so they can be tracked down and their wages garnisheed to support their offspring. If they can't - then it's off to a workhouse of some sort to work for below minimum wage (the rest of their compensation is in the form of room and board) and what little salary they get will go to any children they fathered.
The wealthy will love this idea - it provides cheap labor (they can also be used in work groups with chains, of course, so they don't escape) to work in the fields - thus doing the work that no one else wants to do (and eliminating the jobs that are now filled by illegal immigrants). Inmates (with tracking anklets, of course) who have good behavior could even become house help for the uber rich
The Romney Republicans will love it since the rich benefit! And the Santorum and far right Republicans will love it, too, since it protects every single egg and sperm. Adults of all ages rot in custody will have no rights and no support or safety net.
Sounds like something the Republicans should really go for, right ??? **said with a touch of snark** After all, personal liberty is meaningless when compared to the rights of a sperm and an egg which are much more important - so what's a little DNA in a database if it means that every single sperm will now be protected and have a "loving" father?
Since the far right and (some) Republicans will not listen to facts or reason, the only way to make our point is to fight their absurd ideas with our own absurd ideas and keep the pressure on until these lawmakers come to their senses and stop trying to pull this country back into the dark ages and use "religion" to control women.
Please get the word out to your state congresswomen and senators.
Check out the Immoral Minority blog: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/
Here's a book that's hard to put down

Mr. Floyd cleverly makes this historical fiction come alive with documented figures such as Captain Nathaniel Basse, his son John, his uncle William Basse and Thomasine Hall.
Captain Nathaniel Basse is truly a man of character, courage and compassion, and his life greatly contributes to the emerging morals and ethics of our nation. His profound courage and the earnest desire to always do the right thing earn him the right to conquer death and inherit the ultimate gift. John is a carbon copy of his father. He has inherited the captain’s attributes and will carry on the Basse name with pride and humility.
William Basse has the spirit and wit that one would expect from such a poet of his time. Thomasine Hall went on trial in 1629 to distinguish if she was a man or a woman. Thomasine defended herself in this historical Jamestown case with the courage and tolerance that makes this book a must read.
The author has researched his topic well and does an excellent job of combining history, legend, imagination and wit. Fact is separated from fiction so there are no historical misunderstandings. At the end of the book, the author adds Historical Postscripts, which are very interesting and valuable in fully understanding this story from the 17th Century. The author writes from the heart with a kindred spirit that is unsurpassed.
The book has a few surprises which add to the already polished manner of Mr. Floyd’s style and technique. The written style of the book is unique to most modern authors, contributing greatly to the auspiciousness of the overall book. I applaud the author’s keen and judicious technique in highlighting the real beauty of redemption and the secret in achieving a triumphant life. I highly recommend this fascinating book.
Neal W. Clark, Ed. D.
Neal W. Clark, a lifetime Georgian, holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from NOVA Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He is a former high school teacher, principal and assistant superintendent of schools. He now serves as Educational Administrator for the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice/Office of Education and lives in Hawkinsville, Ga.
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